Thursday, November 21, 2013


Upon turning 30, I had this "oh crap!" moment.  If you're a 30 year old woman, you'll understand....if you're a woman, period, you'll probably understand.  Despite all the wonderful things I have in my life, I constantly thinking...."I need to lose weight"..."I need to work out"...."I need to be the best wife I can be"..."I need to focus on my career"...."I need to choose a hairstyle that is both sophisticated and hip" (etc)...and exhausting myself with all these things, I then turn to questions like..."How quickly can I get brownies from the pan to my mouth?"...and, "Would these brownies test better if I were in bed?".  I'm sure you can see the dilemma.

Now you're asking I really want to read a clean eating blog from a girl who likes to eat bed?!?! Of course you do.  I'm a busy career-driven wife with way too many hobbies who loves to eat and is surrounded by delicious food ALL DAY LONG.  If I can do it, you can do it.

Onto clean are some FAQs I have been getting often:

1. So, you're doing that whole clean eating thing, right? What does that even mean? 
I'm glad you asked, blog reader.  Clean eating is about eating real food, as close to natural as you can get it.  Fresh fruits and veggies, oatmeal, greek yogurt, honey, agave, and lean proteins (turkey, chicken, and fish).  Sounds like a no brainer to me.  I can always find something I can eat anywhere I go.  Occasionally, I am stretching the definition of "clean eating" or stuffing a few chili cheese fries in my mouth, but what are you gonna do?

2. I have some bad moments; I am not sure clean eating is a good plan for me.  
With any lifestyle change you are going to have moments where you revert back to what makes you feel good.  Like eating your feelings.  If you are reading this blog because you think I am able to quit all of my food vices cold turkey, stop reading now.  You are human, and it's okay to allow yourself a few splurges.

3.  How can I do a clean eating diet?  I'm so busy!
I get it.  If you want to make the change you just have to prepare yourself.  Surround yourself with yummy healthy snacks and pack your lunch.  When you do go out, find way to stick to the good stuff.  The days that I have a hard time with eating well are the days when I'm not prepared.  

3 a). How can I better prepare myself?
Make a list before you shop.  I am always more likely to stick closer to my list when I have one.  Otherwise you'll see me walking out of the store with three bags of chocolate chip cookies and forget all else.  My husband and I also order a farm box every other week.  Fresh fruits and veggies being delivered to my door are AMAZING.  It forces me to get inventive with the things I cook to incorporate new things and I support local farmers.  Double win!

I try and create lots of yummy clean eating recipes.  I also try some that are absolutely disgusting.  I am willing to share all of that with you.  Hope to see you back soon. Eat well, eat clean!